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a magical place....photos of Najac

 Bonjour mes belles,

Apologies that this post is a day later than planned but yesterday turned out to be a very busy day and this morning as been much of the same.

As soon as I saw the village of Najac, I knew that I was looking at something special. I loved the way that you follow the streets to reach the chateau, an enchanting journey as you never know what is around the next corner...so very medieval!

Everywhere I looked I saw natural beauty which is a contrast to a lot of the beaux villages  in France which sometimes look like they have been surgically enhanced and over restored.


 The architecture is totally different to here in the Dordogne and it is less built up with lots of wide open green spaces containing lots of cows and sheep. Perhaps this is the reason that I liked it as the countryside reminded me a lot of New Zealand.

In the background of this photo you can see the 2CV parking on the brow of the hill, every French villages needs at least one 2CV parked nearby and I loved the colour of this one....

I just hope that they left the brake on....

How fabulous is this old façade? I adore it in its shabby state...

The chateau of Najac has such an interesting history. You can read all about it here.


I think that the ivy adds to the ambiance of the village and no doubt has been there for a very long time...

A stunning contrast, the roughness of the stone façade, wooden shutters and the trailing petunias which really do give it a lovely boost of colour.

This shot of the village was taken from the chateau itself.....

Another stunning window box display....

Hope that you are having a fabulous week, I am off to give French Boyfriend a hand in the shop.

à demain, Leeann x