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shop update...

Bonsoir mes belles,

How was your weekend? Ours was a lovely sunny one and it even involved a bit of treasure hunting.

We found a few items but not as many as we would have liked but I am sure that we will find more over the coming months as Spring is one of the nest times to be in France hunting for tresors.

Champagne buckets appeared to be the theme of the day, we bought 4 of them, including this one which is a favourite of mine.


I especially like the grape and vine detail....

One of the other's is simple but has a very modern feel to it.....

I love them as not only are they useful for champagne, they also make great vases or you can use them to store cooking utensils.

We found a couple of other items, will tell you more about them once they have been cleaned.....

Wishing you all a très bonne semaine à tous, 

Leeann x