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staying tidy...

Bonjour mes belles,

For some reason I seem to find it hard staying tidy and end up with wee piles of things everywhere. 

We have just finished serving breakfast to our guests hence this is the perfect time to take a photo as our kitchen/dining area is looking realatively tidy. 

The problem is that our kitchen serves many purposes, office come atelier plus I use it to take photos of stock so am envious when I see lovely photos in magazines of clean, bare looking spaces......what about you? Do you manage to live in an organised space or do you find that it tends to get on top of you when you least expect it? I am hoping that there are others of you out there like me!

My mission for 2013 is to try and live in a tidier environment, that or put everything in the garage.....

trés bonne journée à tous, Leeann x